Winter Wellness Tips for the Coming Season

As the leaves fall off the trees and the sun peaks lower in the sky, it is easy to fall behind on self-care and feel bad. Seasonal depression is a real phenomenon that affects many people in the season of cold weather. If you live in a region with nasty cold winters, these wellness tips are for you to stay mentally healthy.

Get Good Sleep

People who get at least eight hours of sleep have been clinically proven to be more productive and healthy. However, many adults in the United States fail to reach that nightly benchmark, and they may live constantly in a state of sleep deprivation. Moreover, adequately keeping up with your body's sleep needs can help you immensely mentally. During the winter and the sun goes down early, it is easier for your brain to realize the time of day and put you to sleep. Do not fight the urge to go to sleep early in the winter. Your body needs rest, so giving it enough of it will help you stay sharp and well during the cold season.

Treat Your Heart Well

Treating your heart well does not mean avoiding dating and potential heartbreaking situations, but physically not exerting yourself too hard and too suddenly in the cold. If you do not regularly exercise, having sudden bursts of activity such as shoveling snow can do some damage to your heart. Statistics have proven that extreme exertion in cold weather among more sedentary people can dramatically raise your risk of a heart attack. To avoid potential risks of heart issues while doing strenuous activities in the cold, such as shoveling snow, be sure not to do it too hard. If you are at greater risk for heart attacks in general, maybe it would be safer to hire a young person from around the neighborhood to shovel your walks for you. This has a double benefit of not endangering you, but also helping a young person out by providing them work that they need to grow.

Keep Up with Your Exercise Regimen

As previously mentioned, people with heart complications have a higher risk of catastrophic medical issues during the cold season. However, in many people, heart risks are avoidable by a consistent lifestyle of physical activity. It may be tempting to lay off general exercise because the weather is cold, but keeping activity up all year round is essential for your health. People who have active lifestyles are at lower risk for developing diseases and complications that can shorten their lifespan. If you feel that it is just too cold outside to do your normal exercise, you should invest in indoor exercise equipment so you can maintain your activity. Sitting on the couch all winter is unhealthy and unproductive, so finding a way to move around is beneficial for your mind and physical health.

Take Care of Your Skin

If you go outside during the winter, chances are that you will have blasts of cold wind hit your face and other parts of your body. Cold dry air is the perfect recipe for unpleasant skin dehydration, which can lead to irritation and cracking. Not everyone wants to wear fleece covering every inch of their skin, but there are ways to avert skin dehydration in advance. When the weather is cold, you should regularly apply oil-based moisturizer to your skin. This technique will provide your skin with adequate moisture to keep while being exposed to the cold and dry air that can damage it. Additionally, drinking a lot of water and eating antioxidant-rich foods will help maintain your skin's moisture to weather the cold.

Take Precautions Against Viruses

During the winter season, the environment is optimal for respiratory viruses to spread. Cold and flu viruses have been around since humans evolved as a species, and they like to infect people most during the cold months. If you feel yourself coming down with a cold, there are some natural remedies you can take to avoid the worst of it. One option is to drink a lot of hot tea filled with nutrients that will boost your immunity against these pathogens. Additionally, during the last cold season, cases of the flu were near nonexistent due to people taking precautions against a much worse respiratory virus, COVID-19. If you want to avoid exposure and lessen your risk of getting the flu or COVID, you should wear a mask in public and stay away from crowds. Finally, you should get vaccinated against the flu like every year, plus make sure you are up to date on your COVID inoculation.

Category: Wellness

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